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"Sharing God's Deep Gladness in Renewing All Things."

"Sharing God's deep gladness in renewing all things." This mission statement was born out of a year of wrestling through the questions of why we desire to gather in our particular community on Signal Mountain. While our questions focused a bit on the who, what and where, we discovered that our statement was less about us and more about the character of God. We found encouragement in our theology of Christ's embodiment, his incarnation. "The word became the flesh and dwelt among us." Our material world matters to God, and so do we as his image bearers. And because all creation points to our Creator, we know that our work in not in vain, it is for His glory. We also affirm that our place is social, and because our God is relational, we anticipate meeting Him in the places of our calling. Our mission statement suggests that others are welcome. By loving our neighbors well, we seek to spread the gospel to the lost and seeking in our community.


We have Sunday School classes for all ages, a weekly women's Bible Study, and a Middle/High School Youth Group. A deeply rooted Small Group Ministry is at the core of how Mountain Fellowship does life together, in which we meet in each other's homes at various times during the week. This ministry has been the backbone of our body and, by Gods grace, has kept us going when we might otherwise have decided to quit as a church.

We love having potlucks, picnics, cookouts and Christmas parties. We strive to be a safe and encouraging place for fellow sinners to repent and believe, to worship and to find sanctuary and fellowship. We are laid-back. In the summer, you'll see many of us in shorts and sandals, and in the cooler months, jeans. Mountain Fellowship's unconventional setting and casual style communicate, "Come as you are; you are loved."


Residential in nature, the Town of Signal Mountain is located atop Walden's Ridge and overlooks the city of Chattanooga and the Tennessee River. It is about 10 miles from downtown Chattanooga. The population of Signal Mountain and the surrounding communities on Walden's Ridge is about 16,000. The mountain is known for its excellent public schools, outdoor activities, bluegrass music, playgrounds, arts and, most of all, a strong sense of community. There are approximately 22 churches in the Signal Mountain community.

Mountain Fellowship began as a satellite of North Shore Fellowship in Chattanooga and held its first service on September 11, 2011. We particularized in October of 2015.

Our members and regular attendees are mostly families with children, ranging from infants to young adults, yet we also have some empty nesters and retirees. Our children attend various schools in the area: the local public schools, Christian schools, private schools and home school. Our average attendance on Sunday mornings is around 135.

The Apostles' Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. 


I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 


I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. 


To all who are weak in body or spirit and seek strength;

to all who are weary and desire rest;

to all who struggle and seek victory;

to all who mourn and long for comfort;

to all who sin and need a Savior;

to all who are strangers and seek love and fellowship;

to all who hunger and thirst;

to all who come;

this church opens wide her doors and offers welcome in the name of Jesus Christ.

Our Staff & Leadership

We would love to meet you! Please click here  to visit our Staff page and learn more about those who love and serve our church body so well. 

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